Steps to Earning CTE Dual Credit
1. Enroll in an eligible class at your high school or skill center

2. Create an account in the Statewide Enrollment & Reporting System (SERS): www.ctesers.org

3. In SERS, register the high school class(es) that you are taking this school year

4. Pay $50 fee (online at www.pnwcollegecredit.org/pay)

Please read each of the steps below before proceeding with your registration
To Earn Credit:
- Register to earn credit in CTE SERS
- CTE = Career & Technical Education
- SERS = State Enrollment & Reporting System
- Pay $50 fee (online at https://www.pnwcollegecredit.org/pay)
- Complete your class with "B" grade (3.0) or above
- Request credit be posted to college transcript
To Register:
On CTE SERS website, Click "STUDENTS" square
Are You a New Student?
- Click "Create New SERS Account"
- Follow the directions to complete your profile
- Please remember that the information you enter for your profile will be used when creating your college transcript
- Use your legal name
- Enter your birth date correctly
- Use your personal or family email address, not your school account
Please use a personal email address - one that will be accessible to you both now & after graduation! Do not use your school email!
Are You a Returning Student?
- Login with Username & Password
- Did you forget your login? Enter your email address to have your login information sent to you
- Forget which email address was used?
- Your CTE teacher or high school career specialist has SERS access and can look it up for you!
- Trouble? send our team an email: INFO@PNWcollegecredit.org
Did you complete a class in a prior school year, but forget to register/pay?
- Email our team
- Attach your high school transcript
- We will review & decide if you are eligible to claim the college credit
Creating Your SERS Account
This video walks you through how to navigate SERS (creating an account & registering your class(es)
1. From Student Home Page
- Click "Registration"
- Click "Register for Classes"
- Do not select any options for the drop-down menu except the high school or skill center where you are taking the class!
- Verify your high school is shown in the drop-down menu
- Click "Search"
- Place a checkmark in the box to the left of each of your classes
- Click "Register Classes"
- On the next screen, select your teacher then click "Save & Register"
2. Review and Confirm
- Check your email for a confirmation of registration from SERS
- Save email confirmation for your records
- SERS email includes your CTE SERS ID number
- You will need your CTE SERS ID number to pay online (TP3-XX-XXXX)
3. Pay Fee
- Pay one non-refundable fee per school year
- Refunds are not given - even if you do not make the grade
- We accept credit/debit cards, checks, or money orders
- We do not accept cash payments
- Student Payment Website: PNWcollegecredit.org/PAY
- Make check or money order payable to PNWCC. Write student name and/or SERS ID on the memo line of the check
- Mail payment to our office at: PNW College Credit, MS N215, 3000 Landerholm Circle SE, Bellevue WA 98007

Important to Note!
- Make sure to register BEFORE making a payment
- Make the grade!
- Earn a "B" (3.0 ) grade or above in your high school class
- Do not be alarmed if your grade is not entered at year-end, teachers have until June 25th to enter grades
- A late fee of $15 per year will be assessed for all payments made after the June 20th deadline (a total of $65)

Important Dates: 2024-25 School Year
- Registration Open: December 1st, 2024
- Registration Deadline: June 15th, 2025
- Payment Deadline: June 20th, 2025
- Grading Deadline: Teachers typically grade all students registered in SERS within one week from the last day of the school year and have a final deadline of June 25th
Current Classes Offered at Our Partner Schools
Select your school district and follow the link to view classes currently offered in your district that are eligible for college credit through PNWCC CTE Dual Credit.